Culture Super supper Albania Poland Italy 17/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Creating a presentation about countries with international ESN STUBA
Culture International Volleyball Tournament 17/04/2024 Nitra , SK We wanted to create a connection between foreign and local ESN SUA
Culture SNG Visit 16/04/2024 Bratislava , SK The goal was to visit the newly reconstrcuted National ESN STUBA
Health & Well-being Beerpong 11/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Beer pong is a popular social game that can be a fun and ESN STUBA
Environmental Sustainability ESN CU - International Dinner vol.2 10/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Cultural Exchange:Provide an opportunity for participants to ESN Comenius University
Health & Well-being Sports - Volleyball 10/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Volleyball is a popular team sport played worldwide, known ESN STUBA
Health & Well-being Hike 07/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Organizing a hike with international students can be an ESN STUBA
Health & Well-being Karaoke 04/04/2024 Bratislava , SK Karaoke encourages people to interact, collaborate, and bond ESN STUBA