Health & Well-being ESN Siegen Hike to Drachenfels 11/07/2021 Königswinter , DE Hike to one of the most famous places of Northrhine ESN Siegen
Health & Well-being ESN Siegen Trip to Kindelsberg 26/06/2021 Kreuztal-littfeld , DE Exploration of the nature around SIegen, hiking and ESN Siegen
Health & Well-being ESN Siegen Table Tennis Tournament 21/06/2021 - 03/07/2021 Siegen , DE Chance for the first physical event after Covid19-related ESN Siegen
Online Social Inclusion Nom Nom - The ESN Remote Restaurant 25/11/2020 zoom having an international dinner together despite not being ESN Siegen
Health & Well-being Nom Nom Nom - The ESN Remote Restaurant 09/11/2020 - 15/11/2020 Siegen , DE Covid releave ESN Siegen
Culture Language Café 12/10/2020 Siegen , DE learning about German language and culture ; helping ESN Siegen
Culture Hike to Kindelsberg 23/09/2020 Siegen , DE showing the international students a local sight and having ESN Siegen
Culture Welcome Dinner 18/09/2020 Siegen , DE welcoming the Erasmus students to Siegen and getting to know ESN Siegen
Education & Youth Pub Quiz 27/01/2020 Siegen , DE Mixing the groups with locals and erasmus/international ESN Siegen