Online Education & Youth Erasmus Memories 10/12/2024 Google Meet Since students come from different cultures, this activity ESN Selcuk
Online Environmental Sustainability A New Perspective on Packaged Foods 19/11/2024 Google Meet To ensure that consumers have accurate and clear information ESN Selcuk and 1 other organisation
Culture Turkish Breakfast 19/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR The aim is for participants to experience a traditional ESN Selcuk
Health & Well-being Volleyball Tournament Round 2 18/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR It is aimed to increase social interaction and physical ESN Selcuk
Environmental Sustainability Art Therapy 18/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR It is aimed to give students the experience of wood painting ESN Selcuk
Social Inclusion A Different Perspective Hour 17/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR Social inclusion is aimed ESN Selcuk
Skills & Employability #ERASMUSDAYSCHALLENGE 17/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR Creative and artistic works are encouraged. It is aimed to ESN Selcuk
Health & Well-being Volleyball Tournament 17/10/2024 Selçuklu , TR It is aimed to increase social interaction and physical ESN Selcuk
Online Education & Youth Erasmus Memories 16/10/2024 Google Meets informing and encouraging participants about Erasmus ESN Selcuk