Skills & Employability Karaoke in Zagrywki 26/11/2024 Wrocław , PL To foster social inclusion, mental well-being, and cultural ESN PWr
Online Education & Youth Buddy photo contest - "Capture best buddy moments" 25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 @esnpwr Instagram Story The Erasmus Buddy Photo Contest celebrates the unique ESN PWr
Environmental Sustainability Tote Bag Painting 24/11/2024 Wrocław , PL The goal of the activity was to promote environmental ESN PWr
Environmental Sustainability Hike to Ślęża 23/11/2024 Sobótka , PL The objective of this event is to offer participants an ESN PWr
Health & Well-being Volleyball Tournament 22/11/2024 Wrocław , PL The objective of this event is to bring students together ESN PWr
Online Health & Well-being Social Worker's Day 21/11/2024 @esnpwr Instagram Story To acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of social ESN PWr
Health & Well-being ESN Thursday - Game Night 21/11/2024 Wrocław , PL The objective of Games Night is to create a relaxed ESN PWr
Culture Language Exchange Café - French 19/11/2024 Wrocław , PL The objective of the Language Exchange Café is to ESN PWr
Social Inclusion Pour Your Heart Out: Mental Health Awareness 18/11/2024 Wrocław , PL The goal of this event was to provide an opportunity for ESN PWr