Culture Mug Painting 19/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Give participants the freedom to express themselves through ESN UP OLOMOUC
Health & Well-being Donut Run 14/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Encourage participants to stay active in a fun and engaging ESN UP OLOMOUC
Environmental Sustainability Thrift Hunt 10/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Promote sustainability in a fun way by showcasing thrift ESN UP OLOMOUC
Health & Well-being Indoors picnic and movie night 09/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Help students connect, make new friends, and build a ESN UP OLOMOUC
Culture Trip to Svatý Kopeček 08/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Provide a refreshing outdoor experience.Strengthen bonds ESN UP OLOMOUC
Culture National Presentation Czech Republic 06/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ To introduce the audience to the country's heritage, customs ESN UP OLOMOUC
Culture Speedfriending 04/02/2025 Olomouc , CZ Help participants break the ice and engage in fun, ESN UP OLOMOUC
Culture saint Nicolas day 05/12/2024 Olomouc , CZ We meant to show the international students how do we ESN UP OLOMOUC
Health & Well-being Teambuilding 27/11/2024 Olomouc , CZ The goal of this activity was to gather together as the ESN UP OLOMOUC