Social Inclusion language cafe 28/03/2023 Ås , NO Do you want to learn some languages while socializing with ESN Ås
Social Inclusion Feel Good Day 21/03/2023 Ås 1430 , NO Our aim is to provide you with a relaxing and enjoyable ESN Ås
Social Inclusion self-defense course 09/03/2023 1430 , NO We are bringing some self-defense instructors to teach you ESN Ås
Social Inclusion Rock Party 25/02/2023 Ås , NO Familiarized international student with Rockeklubben and ESN Ås
Social Inclusion Rock climbing 23/02/2023 Ås , NO Familiarize the new students to the climbing facility in ESN Ås
Social Inclusion Workshop on BHANGRA 16/02/2023 Ås , NO The goal is to introduce Internationals with the Folk Dance ESN Ås