Education & Youth Animal Shelter Visit 19/10/2023 Vilnius , LT For the students to not only do a good job and help people ESN Vilnius University
Culture Movie Night #3 19/10/2023 Vilnius , LT It seeks to provide a shared space where students can relax, ESN MRU Vilnius
Culture Pub quiz 18/10/2023 Vilnius , LT To provide an engaging and inclusive space for students to ESN MRU Vilnius
Health & Well-being LaserTag 18/10/2023 Vilnius , LT The goal of Laser Tag is to provide an entertaining, team ESN Vilnius University
Education & Youth Animal Shelter Visit 17/10/2023 Vilnius , LT For the students to not only do a good job and help people ESN Vilnius University
Culture Board Games Evening 15/10/2023 Vilnius , LT The goal of a board games evening is to bring people ESN Vilnius University
Culture Visit to Kirkliai Halloween Theme Park and Observatory Tower 14/10/2023 Kirkliai , LT To see smaller cities in Lithuania and socialise ESN KK
Culture International Dinner 13/10/2023 Vilnius , LT Promote cultural exchange and understanding by bringing ESN MRU Vilnius and 1 other organisation