Online Education & Youth The battle against poverty - Understanding Agenda2030 30/03/2021 facebook and zoom The webinar is part of the webinar series: Understanding ESN Palermo and 11 other organisations
Online Education & Youth Erasmus infoday 15/03/2021 Microsoft Teams To spread the importance of European cultural exchange, in ESN Lecce
Health & Well-being ESN Lecce on Bikes 13/03/2021 Lecce , IT The aim is to see the country-side around and the beach ESN Lecce
Culture Beach Cleaning 12/03/2021 Lecce , IT The main goal of the activity was to raise our ESN Lecce
Online Education & Youth JOIN THE ERASMUS EXPERIENCE - VOL.3 10/03/2021 Microsoft Teams Providing information to local students about the ESN Lecce
Culture Pranzo All'Italiana - Italian Lunch 06/03/2021 Lecce , IT We invited students to a Lunch to discover Italian (and ESN Lecce
Social Inclusion TREASURE HUNTING 05/03/2021 Lecce , IT The main objective is to let our Erasmus students discover ESN Lecce
Environmental Sustainability Beach cleaning by ESN Lecce 22/12/2020 Lecce , IT To Promote environmental awareness among international ESN Lecce
Health & Well-being UNISALENTO FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT 07/10/2020 - 08/10/2020 Lecce , IT Participation of an international student's team in ESN Lecce