Social Inclusion Passeggiata contro la violenza di genere 25/11/2021 Bergamo , IT Walk against gender violence ESN Bergamo
Health & Well-being Sportday Unite 25/11/2021 Teramo , IT Raise awareness among local and international communities on ESN Teramo and 1 other organisation
Culture Caffè Italiano 25/11/2021 Venezia , IT Learning italian through conversation and in a informal way. ESN Venezia
Online Education & Youth Togheter against the violence 25/11/2021 Google Meet Raise awareness among international students on the topic ESN Teramo
Skills & Employability Game night 24/11/2021 L'aquila , IT The aim of the Game night was to allow Erasmus students to ESN L'Aquila
Health & Well-being Domino Tournament 23/11/2021 Pescara , IT We organized the Dominò Tournament starting from an idea of ESN Chieti Pescara
Health & Well-being International Soccer Match 23/11/2021 Modena Mo , IT Promove the physical activity between the international ESN Modena e Reggio Emilia
Education & Youth Erasmus in Schools - Rovereto 23/11/2021 Rovereto , IT The main aim of this activity was not only to introduce and ESN Trento
Social Inclusion L’ARTE DI ACCOGLIERE (The art of welcoming) 23/11/2021 Bergamo , IT Show our Esner's exhibition about the art of human ESN Bergamo