Health & Well-being Orienteering with ESN Bergamo 12/03/2022 Bergamo (bg) , IT Challenge our orientation skills while discovering our ESN Bergamo
Culture Vatican Museums 12/03/2022 Rome , IT The goal of the activity was to showcase italian cultural ESN Roma LUISS
Culture City Tour Centro Storico 12/03/2022 Napoli , IT During the City Tour we visited some of the iconic landmark ESN Napoli
Education & Youth Give blood and save a life with AVIS 11/03/2022 Sassari , IT Donate blood to the people who need it most. ESN Sassari
Health & Well-being Bowling Night 11/03/2022 Cmpobasso , IT Getting to know the newly arrived Erasmus students through a ESN Unimol
Education & Youth Welcome Conference 11/03/2022 L'aquila , IT The goal of the activity was to welcome all the Erasmus ESN L'Aquila
Education & Youth Karaoke night 11/03/2022 Salerno , IT Spending a good night all together and enjoying the ESN Salerno
Social Inclusion ITEMS COLLECTION for Ukraine 11/03/2022 Rimini , IT Due to the emergency situation given by the war in ukraine ESN Rimini
Culture Discovering Italy - North and South of Italy 11/03/2022 - 08/04/2022 Milan , IT Promote the natural and cultural heritage of North and South ESN Politecnico Milano