Health & Well-being Board Game Night 17/10/2024 Dundalk , IE To create a friendly atomsphere where people could unwind ESN DKIT
Health & Well-being Ceili with DanceSoc 16/10/2024 Dublin , IE To provide an opportunity for international students to ESN UCD
Culture Trad Night 15/10/2024 Galway , IE To show international students Irish traditional music ESN University of Galway
Education & Youth Q&A for Outgoing Erasmus Students 14/10/2024 Dublin , IE To provide a space where outgoing exchange students from UCD ESN UCD
Education & Youth National Gallery visit 13/10/2024 Dublin , IE To bring exchange and international students to the National ESN UCD
Culture Oktoberfest 12/10/2024 Dundalk , IE To celebrate Oktoberfest through indulging in some ESN DKIT
Health & Well-being Coffee and Colouring 11/10/2024 Galway , IE To give students a space to relax before classes ESN University of Galway
Culture River Bar Night Out 11/10/2024 Dublin , IE The aim of this night out is to provide an opportunity for ESN UCD