Culture Speed Friending 29/09/2024 Hamburg , DE welcome students in Hamburg, offer fun games and a relaxed ESN Hamburg
Culture Kiez Tour 26/09/2024 Hamburg , DE Guide internationals through one of famous sights of Hamburg ESN Hamburg
Culture Loop Through Fischbeker Heide 20/09/2024 Harburg , DE spend time together in nature, do some exercise, connect ESN Hamburg
Culture Game Night 17/09/2024 Hamburg , DE welcome students, who just arrived in Hamburg, have fun ESN Hamburg
Culture Canoe Tour 07/09/2024 Hamburg , DE connect people, exercise together in the fresh air, have a ESN Hamburg
Culture Karaoke Night 27/06/2024 Hamburg , DE Have a fun evening with Internationals while bringing up ESN Hamburg
Culture Park Barbecue 22/06/2024 Hamburg , DE bring people together for a nice BBQ, enjoy food together ESN Hamburg
Culture Boberger Dünen (Bike Tour) 16/06/2024 Hamburg , DE have a nice afternoon in the Boberger Dünen, enjoy nature ESN Hamburg
Culture Thomas Reed Party 14/06/2024 Hamburg , DE Connect Erasmi living in different regions, have a nice time ESN Hamburg and 3 other organisations