Education & Youth EGiA - Local Dialogue 25/05/2023 Gdansk , PL The EGiA focus group was organised in order to challenge and ESN Poland and 1 other organisation
Culture Stand Up Night with ESN Gdańsk 09/05/2023 Gdańsk , PL The activity aimed to engage the Erasmus students with a ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Social Inclusion Dzień Człowieka (Human's Day) 10/03/2023 Gdańsk , PL The goal was to integrate the members of our section and to ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Culture Sushi Night 20/01/2023 Gdańsk , PL The goal of the event was to spend some time during this ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Social Inclusion DiverCity - Urban Game 17/11/2022 Gdańsk , PL The goal of our activity was to show the struggles of people ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Environmental Sustainability Eco-bags Painting 27/10/2022 Gdańsk , PL The goal of activity was to rise awarness of the immportance ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Culture Polish Culture: Making Pierogi 15/10/2022 Gdańsk , PL The aim of this activity was to show our new Erasmus ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Education & Youth SHIPYARD walk&chill 08/05/2022 Gdańsk , PL The Gdańsk Shipyard project promoted lunpopular art located ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)
Environmental Sustainability City Gardening - Plony Gdańsk 07/05/2022 Gdańsk , PL Celem wydarzenia była pomoc Plony Gdańsk w pracach nad ESN Gdansk (Politechnika)