Culture French Workshop 17/11/2022 Toulouse , FR The main goal of these activities is to make international ESN Toulouse
Culture walk in the forest and visit of a cave 17/11/2022 Besançon , FR Visit the surrounding area with people in situations of ESN Besançon and 2 other organisations
Culture Italian Restaurant 16/11/2022 Toulouse , FR Meet new people and try food from other country. ESN Toulouse
Social Inclusion Maraude 15/11/2022 Toulouse , FR To give to the homeless people food, hygiene products, ESN Toulouse
Education & Youth Become a Linkee volunteer 15/11/2022 Bordeaux , FR The aim of this activity is to involve international ESN Bordeaux
Education & Youth The language café 14/11/2022 Toulouse , FR Café des langues is an opportunity for international and ESN Toulouse
Education & Youth The language café 14/11/2022 Toulouse , FR Café des langues is an opportunity for international and ESN Toulouse
Social Inclusion Solidarity run 13/11/2022 Toulouse , FR Promote the sport and the active life among the ESN Toulouse
Culture Flatathon 12/11/2022 Toulouse , FR Meet new friends and volunteers and get to know each other. ESN Toulouse