Education & Youth Meet and Mingle 31/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Parties & Socializing / Games & Challenges/ ESN Tallinn
Social Inclusion ESN Speed Friending 30/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Meeting new people, making friends, getting to know them. ESN TalTech IC and 1 other organisation
Culture Estonian Movie Night 29/08/2022 Tallinn , EE To showcase the Estonian culture and heritage through an ESN TLU IC
Education & Youth Quiz Night 29/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Sports & Activities/ Games & Challenges/ ESN Tallinn
Health & Well-being Pub Crawl 26/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Network, break the ice, see old town and its local pubs and ESN TalTech IC
Social Inclusion Board Games Night 25/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Games & Challenges ESN Tallinn and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being ESN Movie Night 24/08/2022 Tallinn , EE Have a cozy night together with new friends ESN TalTech IC