Education & Youth Trip to Schokoladenmuseum 02/11/2019 Köln , DE Students learn how you produce chocolate and can taste ESN Dortmund
Culture Monthly Sprachcafé 30/10/2019 - 27/11/2019 Dortmund , DE Students from different countries meet ones a month and can ESN Dortmund
Culture International Dinner 26/10/2019 Dortmund , DE Students should come together and share food from their ESN Dortmund
Culture Kiosk Crawl 10/10/2019 - 10/11/2019 Dortmund , DE Getting to know Dortmund's "Kiosks". In Germany Dortmund is ESN Dortmund
Education & Youth The Mountain Calls 29/09/2019 Oberhausen , DE Students get the chance to go to the biggest exhibition hall ESN Dortmund
Education & Youth Museum Night 21/09/2019 Dortmund , DE Students should get to know most of Dortmund's museums and ESN Dortmund