Health & Well-being Cycling Workshop Breda Internationals 25/03/2023 Breda , NL To create awareness about the basic rules, regulations, and ESN Breda
Education & Youth Buddy Program - City Tour for Leiden 25/03/2023 Breda , NL To give Leiden students a great idea of what it is like to ESN Breda and 1 other organisation
Culture Buddy Program Pubquiz (Jeopardy style) 23/03/2023 Breda , NL To create a more intimate relationship between the buddy ESN Breda
Culture ESN Tuesday - The Birthday 21/03/2023 Breda , NL To host a space for socialising and networking. ESN Breda
Culture Leiden City Tour and Cocktail Party 17/03/2023 Leiden , NL To show the local community of Breda what there is to offer ESN Breda and 1 other organisation
Education & Youth ESN Tuesday - ESN Friending (Meet ESN Breda) 14/03/2023 Breda , NL To host a space for socialising and networking. Promote what ESN Breda
Social Inclusion ESN Tuesday - International Women's Day 07/03/2023 Breda , NL To host a space for socialising and networking and to ESN Breda
Environmental Sustainability Thrift Hopping 04/03/2023 Breda , NL To encourage purchasing second hand items ESN Breda
Education & Youth ESN Tuesday - Karaoke Night 28/02/2023 Breda , NL To host a space for socialising and networking. ESN Breda