Culture BEER PONG TOURNAMENT 27/09/2024 Bruxelles , BE A fun event centered around beer pong tournaments, aimed at ESN KULBrussels
Culture Beerpong tournament 27/09/2024 Bruxelles , BE Propose to get to know the belgian culture and that people ESN ULB Brussels
Culture Bucket Party 26/09/2024 Kortrijk , BE Bring people together to stay connected and party. ESN Leonardo Kortrijk
Culture Traffic light party 26/09/2024 - 27/09/2024 Liège , BE This flag party aims to celebrate group identity. It helps ESN HEC Liege and 3 other organisations
Social Inclusion BBA Kick Off fair - KU Leuven Campus Brussels 26/09/2024 Brussels , BE Introduce ESN’s mission and services to BBA ESN KULBrussels and 1 other organisation
Education & Youth ESN Helpers 26/09/2024 Mechelen , BE Encourage students to become volunteers ESN Mechelen
Culture Meet your Buddy 26/09/2024 Brussels , BE Organizing a "meet your buddy" is a fantastic way to foster ESN ICHEC ECAM Brussels