Culture Schloss Eggenberg 07/06/2023 Graz , AT Visiting Eggenberg caste ESN TU Graz and 1 other organisation
Skills & Employability Murder Mistery Game 05/06/2023 Graz , AT Having fun! ESN TU Graz and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Picnic & Games 05/06/2023 Graz , AT Meeting up in a big group one last time before heading back ESN TU Graz and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Hike Hermes Villa 04/06/2023 Wien , AT Take the incomings on a hike to one of Vienna's beautiful ESN BFI Vienna
Culture Parliament Tour - “Architecture” 03/06/2023 Vienna , AT Are you interested to have a peek into the beauty and ESN Buddynetwork TU Wien
Environmental Sustainability AUTdoors - Summer Mountain Event 02/06/2023 - 04/06/2023 Admont , AT ⛰️ Adventure awaits you AUTdoors... ⛰️ ESN TU Graz and 2 other organisations
Culture Comedy Cocktail - English Open Mic 31/05/2023 Wien , AT Enjoying a comedy open mic at a Latin American restaurant ESN Uni Wien