Online Health & Well-being ESN Antwerp | Quiz 08/02/2021 Discord A social activity where different groups can battle against ESN Antwerp
Health & Well-being Strava running competition 02/12/2020 - 16/12/2020 Antwerp , BE Keep everybody moving ESN Antwerp
Online Culture Online quiz: battle of sections! 23/11/2020 Google Meets and Discord Entertaining students during lockdown with a fun and ESN Gent and 4 other organisations
Online Social Inclusion Online game night 08/05/2020 - 08/07/2020 Skribbl Just play some online games together. The game of this ESN Antwerp
Online Culture Online Movie Night 09/04/2020 Netflix Party Let's watch a movie together online. So much better than do ESN Antwerp
Culture ESN Antwerp at Christmas at UAntwerp 2019 19/12/2019 Antwerp , BE To teach the erasmus student how Belgian students celebrate ESN Antwerp
Culture Beerpong - ESN Antwerp 17/12/2019 Antwerp , BE To spend some quality time together. ESN Antwerp
Culture ESN Antwerp | Ho Ho Ho Jingle My Vodka! 13/12/2019 Antwerp , BE To party and go one last time crazy before the exams. ESN Antwerp
Culture Movie Night II - ESN Antwerp 11/12/2019 Antwerp , BE Let's see a Belgian movie and get in touch with our local ESN Antwerp