International students get valuable skills from their experience abroad. ESN works to increase the recognition of the skills acquired through student exchange and volunteering among employers.
Tallinn , EE
The goal of the LinkedIn workshop was to educate students on
ESN TalTech IC and 1 other organisation
İstanbul , TR
To create a dynamic social environment where Erasmus
ESN Ozyegin and 4 other organisations
Athens , GR
The goal of The Invisible Tours with Shedia, is to raise
ESN Athens AUEB and 5 other organisations
İstanbul , TR
To create a dynamic social environment where Erasmus
ESN Ozyegin and 4 other organisations
Athens , GR
The goal of The Invisible Tours with Shedia, is to raise
ESN Athens AUEB and 5 other organisations
Turku , FI
Hello dear ESN people❄ As you can all feel by the darker
ESN Uni Turku and 1 other organisation
İstanbul , TR
To create a dynamic social environment where Erasmus
ESN Ozyegin and 4 other organisations
Graz , AT
Fostering intercultural exchange and language learning
ESN TU Graz and 1 other organisation