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Image of a compostable cup

International mobility has a costly impact on the environment due to frequent travelling. ESN aims at reducing this impact by organising greener activities and by raising awareness among international students.

Social Inclusion

Kids doing an activity in a school

Zagreb , HR

A friendly ESNer will provide interesting questions to spark

ESN Zagreb


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Königswinter , DE

Networking with international and German students from Bonn

ESN Bonn e.V. and 7 other organisations


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Königswinter , DE

Networking with international and German students from Bonn

ESN Bonn e.V. and 7 other organisations



Toulouse , FR

Come make a good impact on the environment with ESN Toulouse

ESN Toulouse

Environmental Sustainability

Image of a compostable cup

Berlin , DE

Helping the Earth, Enjoying vegetarianism, Socialising

ESN Berlin