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Image of a compostable cup

International mobility has a costly impact on the environment due to frequent travelling. ESN aims at reducing this impact by organising greener activities and by raising awareness among international students.



Bochum , DE

The focus of these regulars' table rounds is often

ESN Bochum and 1 other organisation


Students waiving multiple flags during an event

Bratislava , SK

get to know the tastes of Slovakia 

ESN STUBA and 2 other organisations


There's a table filled with different types of food from different nationalities, faded behind ESN's orange colour. International Dinner is written in the middle of the picture.

Gödöllő , HU

The goal of the activity is for our very diverse student

ESN MATE and 1 other organisation


There's a table filled with different types of food from different nationalities, faded behind ESN's orange colour. International Dinner is written in the middle of the picture.

Gödöllő , HU

The goal of the activity is for our very diverse student

ESN MATE and 1 other organisation


Students waiving multiple flags during an event


Prague , CZ

Explore Prague with internationals from not only Gent but

ESN Gent and 1 other organisation