Bucharest , RO
Introduce the Erasmus people in the crazy, distorted and
ESN UniBucharest and 2 other organisations
Education is the core of ESN’s activity and youth is the main target group. ESN produces several positions, recommendations, programmes, and projects all aiming at improving the quality of international mobility and at guaranteeing that young people are heard in the process.
Bucharest , RO
Introduce the Erasmus people in the crazy, distorted and
ESN UniBucharest and 2 other organisations
Sevilla , ES
Physical Activity and Well-being: - Basketball,
ESN UPO and 3 other organisations
Szeged , HU
Introducing another main city in Hungary other than Budapest
ESN LUPS and 1 other organisation
Teramo , IT
increasing environmental awareness and having a moment to
ESN Teramo and 5 other organisations
Ronda , ES
Ronda, located in the province of Malaga, is the perfect
ESN Sevilla and 1 other organisation
Lautertal , DE
The goal of this activity is to connect with other people
ESN IPAS Landau and 1 other organisation
Bucharest , RO
introducing the students to the local atmosphere of the
ESN UniBucharest and 2 other organisations
Sevilla , ES
Physical Activity and Well-being: - Basketball,
ESN UPO and 3 other organisations
Velence , HU
As part of the Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA) project,
ESN Hungary and 1 other organisation