Education is the core of ESN’s activity and youth is the main target group. ESN produces several positions, recommendations, programmes, and projects all aiming at improving the quality of international mobility and at guaranteeing that young people are heard in the process.
Aarhus C , DK
To celebrate the holiday season with a vibrant and inclusive
ESN Aarhus and 1 other organisation
Territet , CH
Visiting one of the most beautiful Christmas market of
ESN Neuchâtel and 1 other organisation
Athens , GR
The goal of this event is to encourage Erasmus students to
ESN Athens AUEB and 1 other organisation
Aarhus C , DK
To celebrate the holiday season with a vibrant and inclusive
ESN Aarhus and 1 other organisation
Territet , CH
Visiting one of the most beautiful Christmas market of
ESN Neuchâtel and 1 other organisation
Izmir , TR
We aimed for participants to unwind, focus on the present
ESN Dokuz Eylul University and 1 other organisation
Athens , GR
The goal of this event is to encourage Erasmus students to
ESN Athens AUEB and 1 other organisation