Besides having been a member of the Stakeholders’ Committee of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, ESN organises hundreds of cultural activities every year. The promotion of intercultural understanding is at the core of ESN’s mission.
Al Salt , JO
To help the International students in Irbid to explore the
ESN Irbid and 1 other organisation
İstanbul , TR
To create a dynamic social environment where Erasmus
ESN Ozyegin and 4 other organisations
Athens , GR
The goal of The Invisible Tours with Shedia, is to raise
ESN Athens AUEB and 5 other organisations
Turku , FI
Hello dear ESN people❄ As you can all feel by the darker
ESN Uni Turku and 1 other organisation
İstanbul , TR
To create a dynamic social environment where Erasmus
ESN Ozyegin and 4 other organisations