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Visitng the 2nd biggest city of Austria and a tour through the Zotter chocolate factory.


► GRAZ the second biggest city in Austria, which was officially elected as the cultural capital in 2005. We will have a guided city tour and hear about the city's amazing story! We will stay the night and explore the city's nightlife.

What is there to see in Graz you wonder?

The Caste Hill (Schlossberg):
A former fortress on a tree-clad hill, the Schlossberg is now a public park where everyone can enjoy an extensive of the city. This castle was build over 1000 years ago and is the city’s most famous attraction.

Graz Art Museum (Kunsthaus Graz)
One of Graz’s architectural landmarks. This Museum is a magnificent structure which was built in 2003 as part of the European Capital of Culture.

Island in the Mur (Murinsel)
Is it an island or a boat? Kinda hard to tell… it was commissioned as part of the city’s role as Capital of Culture in 2003. It functions as a link between the river and city. From the Murinsel you can appreciate a completely new perspective of the city of Graz.

Have you ever seen Charlie and the chocolate factory?
Here is your chance to visit a real Austrian chocolate factory. As we are taking you to one of the biggest chocolate manufacturers in Austria, which sells their chocolates all around the world. Join us for a tour through the chocolate factory and taste AS MUCH CHOCOLATE AS YOU WANT!

Result of the activity

Incomings visited Graz and the chocolate factory of Zotter.

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