
The main goal of the initiative was to give a hint of reflection and awareness on a very sensitive issue that is often underestimated, but that is instead very current and, unfortunately, constantly growing. We believe that the implementation of this activity, in a small way, has helped to fight the phenomenon. In fact, great achievements are always obtained from the sum of small actions. In addition, another aim was to promote prevention and report of abuses. Thanks to the collaboration with the university, the video, but especially the message inside, has reached a high number of students. Moreover, we wanted to convey the idea that Erasmus is not just about learning a new language or making new friends but it is also about personal growth. We believe that with this initiative we have managed to convey a good message to the students.
For the 25th of November 2019, in occasion of the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”, we made a video to raise public awareness about a very sensitive issue, which is unfortunately always topical and constantly growing. Even in our civilized age, violence against women has for some time been at the center of public debate. According to some statistics, physical and sexual abuse affects more than 35% of women around the world and, more importantly, in 30% of cases women are victims of their partner. Unfortunately, there are very few women who report the crime and even fewer are the cases that come to trial. For these reasons, we felt it was important to discuss this matter with our Erasmus students, who immediately accepted the proposal with pleasure and great participation. Thus, the idea of making a video together and sharing it through our media channels, in the hope that this would have a greater impact on society and could give us food for thought on the seriousness of the subject.
The result of the initiative was a video of about 3 minutes that we shared on our social channels. The University with which we have collaborated has also contributed to the diffusion of the video that in a very short time has been very successful with numerous visualizations and shares. Here the link of the video: https://www.facebook.com/esnancona/videos/561947501256569/