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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Objective / Goal of the activity

With this weekly get together we wanted to create an opportunity for erasmus students to make new friends and meet with them every week.  As this is a regular event, the erasmus students always have an event to attend.  Also we want to show them the austrian tradition of a "Stammtisch".


Stammtisch is a typical weekly meet-up of a group of people to chat and drink that dates back to a long tradition in the German-speaking area. Our Stammtisch traditionally takes place every Thursday in different student bars and is THE place to socialise and discuss the adventures of the week for exchange students and locals.

In other words: it's the perfect opportunity to meet new people while having a drink or two!

Result of the activity

There were always a lot of people attending Stammtisch, especially in the beginning of the semesters. We could see that a lot of friendships were formed and the groups of friends came back together on the following thursdays. When new people joined later during the semester, they were always integrated well. 

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