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Picture taken during the event.
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

- Give the opportunity to exchange students of being part of a volunteering project during their time abroad and to leave their mark;

- Minimize discrimination and stereotypes against homeless people;

- Getting exchange students to have a direct contact with the local community.


We gave the opportunity to international students to spend a nice evening with other local volunteers at CASA, an association that helps homeless people. During this evening, the international students gave a good cozy meal to the portuguese homeless who live in the streets of .Porto and also to other people or families that are in situations of risk. After that, the international students were given the opportunity to subscribe for weekly volunteering with CASA through ESN Porto. 

Result of the activity

We had more exchange students interested in participating than the places we had for the event. The activity went very well and the feedback we got was very positive, since the students refered they had an amazing evening and that it made them feel very good and lucky for what they have. Even after the event we had many people showing their interest and asking how they could join this volunteering project.  

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