The main goal of this conference was that of discuss the participation of people in Europe's initiatives such as the important Europian Elections of 2024 underlining the campaign of ESN Italy #EUvote. Other goals were them of foster the European citizenship and how we can reach a high consideration of ourselves as active European citizens.
This conference was held in occasion of the "Europe Day" on 9th May 2024. The conference was orgnised by the volunteers of ESN Macerata in collaboration with other associations and organisations: the Municipality of Macerata, the International Relations Office of the University of Macerata, ESN Italy in the figure of the VicePresident Valentina Carcione, the French association Minerviews, the representative of the students Jacopo Sammassimo of Officina Universitaria, ADI Macerata and Gioventù Federalista Europea. The conference was organised as a debate and an exchange of ideas on the topic of the European Elections and the participation of young people in active citizenship and how we can consider ourselves true European citizens. The focus was that of ESN Italy's campaign for the Europian Elections #EUvote and why the Elections are important nowadays. There was an intense and constructive debate with the space at the end for questions by the public.