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The Shooting Team's coach of the University of Ioannina targeting with an air pistol.
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Objective / Goal of the activity

The goal of this activity first of all was to raise the awareness about the right and responsible use of the guns under the legal provisions and later the rules of shooting as a sport activity.


In cooperation with the Shooting Team of the University of Ioannina, we organized a ''Target Practice'' event. In the beginning of the event, there was a presentation by the coach of the Shooting Team about the Shooting as a sport activity and instructions of using an air gun or an air rifle, and of course the safety and legal rules! In this event we developed or practised our target, balance, self-control and discipline as we should follow the specific rules.

Result of the activity

As a result the students got to know the sport of shooting, safety and legal rules of how to use of two different kind of guns. Also, they developed or practised some skills like target, balance, self-control and discipline. Furthermore, they changed stories about hunting and info about guns in their countries. At last some students they keep contact with the coach as they wanted to keep training on the field.

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