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Students raising hands during a workshop
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Goal of the Activity

The overall aim is making our volunteers more confident in taking on new tasks in the section, both by teaching them new skills and increasing their ESN experience, but also by creating a safe atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable asking whatever question they have in mind, not just during the event, but afterwards as well. 
Through an opening workshop, we create a social contract for the weekend where everyone agrees to do their part to create a good atmosphere for learning as well as doing their most to connect with all participants.
Through the next 3 workshops, participants are taught how to fight stereotypes, crisis management, and leadership skills. By the very end, we create a workshop where groups are given an hour to solve a task, such as planning the welcome period, but shortly before presenting, are given a last minute crisis, such as a venue cancellation - all aimed at making participants deploy their newly learned skills. 
The objective of this is to introduce volunteers to problems you may face as a local board member or large scale event organiser, both to teach skills to use in their future working life, but also to prepare them and inspire them to seek new roles to take on within ESN. Moreover, through including our volunteers in training exercises like planning a welcome period and a recruitment and onboarding process for new volunteers, the board of ESN Stockholm hope to include the ideas of our volunteers in the actual planning of these activities for the coming semester, ensuring both fresh ideas in board planning, as well as increased influence on the section's activities for our volunteers. 


Stockholm Upgrade is a 3-day event where the whole Stockholm section is invited to a villa outside Stockholm to learn from workshops, share ideas, get inspired, and overall have a good time learning from and connecting with other volunteers. The event is organised by ESN Stockholm, but features guests from ESN Sweden, ESN Linköping, ESN Göteborg, ESN London, and ESN UCD.
The board is responsible for creating a workshop program, while volunteer groups are put together to organise food, logistics, information, and social program. When not partaking in workshops, volunteers work together through the weekend to take care of practicalities, such as cooking and cleaning, and after the official programme, the social program includes themed parties.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Recognition of Skills
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