

The goal of the activity was to raise awareness about the male chauvinistic violence that women suffer on a daily basis.
First of all, we created a form where women were able to share annonymously, if they wanted, their own stories about male chauvinistic violence. Then, with the help of the Department of Equality of the city hall of Alcalá de Henares, we selected and organized all these stories under different types of violence. The script was written by Erasmus and ESNrs.
Then, during the days 7th and 8th of November we recorded a short film with all these stories performed by Erasmus and ESNrs. For doing this we used the money of the grant that we had received from the ESAA. After that, a small team of ESNrs editted the video and sent it to ESN Spain, that posted the video.
The short film was posted in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter. From these four, the two with the greatest impact were Facebook and Instagram.
- Facebook:
- More than 17k views.
- More than 30k people reached.
- Instagram:
- More than 200 shares.