

First visit with the newcomers
Still looking for your place in life? Or at least in Budapest? Then you should probably not miss the one and only Orientation by ESN HEALTH BP, where you can:
1. Get to know your mentors, and hear about our work:)
2. Find out about the semester event calendar, so you can already free up some dates for the future!
3. Get a glimpse into the Neptun Common Study System
4. Gain valuable insider information on some of the best places in town - libraries, cafés, restaurants, etc.
5. Ask the questions you were always afraid to ask
+1 And most importantly, to get to know each other!
After your registration
> on Thursday 15.30
> on Friday 13.30
Nagyvárad Téri Elméleti Tömb Diákcentrum (Study Center where the Erasmus Office is)
Afterwards if you are in we will find a place to sit down together, and maybe have a cup of tea/beer/wine :)
Any questions you need answered right away?
Please contact us on facebook!
See you soon ;)