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Kids doing an activity in a school
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Objective / Goal of the activity

The main idea was to let the students to do something more than just attend some parties, to spend some time with kids from an orphanage, make some Christmas decorations and also to play with them.


"Have you felt the Christmas spirit yet? If not, now is a good time for it. Let's get #jolly and #happy by helping Santa share his long-awaited presents! Let the troubles stay miles away and find your way to kindness by making Christmas decorations with kids. And because we're Santa's little helpers, the ones who want, are free to buy the kids some gifts! And remember: being kind never gets old and it warms the cold souls!"

Result of the activity

7 Erasmus students attended this event and they had a great time. We brought materials for decorations and they needed to decorate their own cupcake. After, the students played some games with the kids and shared their culture.

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