
The goal of PubQuiz event to draw attention to global issues which all the people should be aware of.
The quiz has done through an online platform for ease of participation at the pub. The first part the quiz was involved the facts about global topics, such as violence & abuse, poverty, environmental problems, climate changes & global warming, recycling, natural disasters, education, discrimination, gender equality, so on. Especially the answers which are supported with statistical data left striking impact. The second part of the quiz was composed about Turkey and Turkish culture. The basic expressions & phrases, main cuisines, some places and history. The integration of Erasmus Student to the general Turkish life style and culture during their short staying was proved.
Questioning their carefullnes via asking the questions about global issues and demonstrate the dramatic truths was made them more awere. Also during the Turkey test the challange among them made the event quite enjoyful. The feedbacks were very positive and obtained an efficient event for the essence of Social Inclusion Days.