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Objective / Goal of the activity

Showing new exchange students the local cuisine and some interesting places in the city where they can eat.


During the Orientation Week we invited our exchange students for a little tour so they can try local spiecialties. At the beginning of the tour everyone got a bottle of juice, which most Polish students remember from their childhood and a mini donut. We split into 3 groups and visited 3 restaurants each. One was serving a dish typical for Poznań region - "pyra z gzikiem" (baked potato and cottage cheese), one was serving "zapiekanka" (toasted baguette with cheese, mushroom, ham and sauces), which is an old-school Polish fast food and finally one was serving "pierogi" - famous Polish dumplings. At the end we all met in a cafe and had some home-made Polish-style apple pie.

Result of the activity

International students got to know some dishes typical for Poland and the region and saw places worth visiting, including our local partners.

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