Guess as many songs as you can. Songs from movies, Disney, TV shows, cartoons, animes, video game,... A reward for the winning team
Activity "Guess the song" played in teams of minimum 5/6 players The game/night was divided in thematic rounds (1 : Disney, 2 : Movies live action, 3 : TV Shows, 4 : Animated movies, 5 : Cartoons + Animes, 6 : Video games) For each round we put at least 10/15 songs. For answering one person of the team had to run and raise the hand of the nearer ESNer for having the opportunity to say out loud the answer. If the answer was correct we give the point to the team if not everyone stand up came back to their seats and after the signal they can run again to give their answer. During the night we accord Bonus points (for ambiance, cheering, if they sing the songs, and dance, or if the song was difficult we double or more the points)