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The purpose of this Mov'in Europe Conference was to encourage young people to take advantage of the mobility opportunities provided by the European Union, to present the Erasmus Generation in Action project and to sign up on the platform.


The Mov’in Europe - Welcome Days Conference was made possible through the generous support of the Province of Foggia and co-funding from the European Union as part of the Erasmus Generation in Action(EGIA) project.

We discussed the involvement of young people in active citizenship, even during and through mobility programs. ESN Italy Vice-President Gaia Tamasi presented the EGIA project to all participants. The purpose of this Mov'in Europe Conference was to encourage young people to take advantage of the mobility opportunities provided by the European Union and to sign up on the platform.


To start the Conference, the staff of the University of Foggia and the Board of ESN Foggia greeted the students warmly. 

After this first introduction, the Vice President of ESN Italy, Gaia Tamasi, took the floor.  She presented the role of ESN, focusing mainly on the topic of mobility and the opportunities that the European Union makes available to young people. As a main example, she used the activities of the EGIA project, which is now halfway through implementation, and aims to promote youth mobility by offering a series of activities, contests, trainings, moments of confrontation and also to promote young people's sense of democratic participation. 
She then stopped to give some details related to the Mov'in Europe Events, of which the Conference is part. Gaia's speech then concluded with a focus on the role of the European Union, the Parliament, the platform and the significance of the European elections that will occur in June 2024. 
At the end of the presentation, there was time for discussion and questions, which revealed a strong interest from the participants in the topics discussed.

At the conclusion of the Conference, there was a brunch with drinks and food that allowed students, University Staff and the ESN volunteers to network and get to know each other.

The Conference, with question-time and brunch following, took place from morning to afternoon on September 25.

Participants: 50 international and local students 



  • Prof. Lorenzo Lo Muzio - Rector of the University of Foggia
  • Prof. Daniele Stasi and Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore - Delegates from the University of Foggia
  • Dama Saxophone Quartet from State Conservatory of Music "Umberto Giordano"
  • SSML "San Domenico" Foggia
  • TEDx Foggia
  • Gaia Tamasi - Vice President of ESN Italy
  • Onorevole Mario Furore - MEP
Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 16 Logo of the SDG Goal 17
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Youth Rights and Democratic Participation

This activity is part of the project:

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)
This activity was organised by: