
The aim of the event was to get settle in the Erasmus students at the beginning of the semester among them, with us of ESN Bergamo and of course in their new city.
The event took place at the University of Bergamo in the Lower part of the city: it started with some games. There has been a round of presentations, then the Erasmus have been split into two groups to play. Then, the informative part of the event started. First of all, we gave them the Welcome Kit made up of a backback, water bottle and a cardboard with the “Bergamo To Do List”. The ESNers presented various information about the life in Bergamo (Recycling, Doctors & First Aid, Public transports, Libraries, Sports, Restaurants & Supermarkets, Cinema, Italian Sim card, Wifi, Italian Celebrations) and the activities and trips organized by ESN Bergamo. At the end of the presentations we gave to the Erasmus some post-it notes on which they wrote their desires and expectations about their adventure in Bergamo. Afterwards there has been a coffee break moment, when also other Erasmus joined the group. In the afternoon, the City Tour started: we went from the University to the Upper Town on walk. This moment enhanced the phase of integration among the Erasmus students, but also with the city of Bergamo: during the path we also showed the partners of ESN Bergamo. During the City Tour we took photos with some frames which have been built by us, until the last stop in Piazza Vecchia. At the end of the day there has been an aperitif, showing another italian usage.
All the Erasmus students were satisfied with the infos we explained them (they took a lot of notes!) and it helped them to build new friendships.