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A picture with christmas biscuit in the shape of christmas trees with a tiny biscuit star at the top
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

Being able to also discover other parts of Austria and getting into Christmas spirit. 


After a 2 hour bus ride we arrived in Mariazell. First off the students had time to eat lunch at the christmas market. Following that we visited the famous Pirker Gingerbread bakery, where we got to enjoy a lovely tour, which also included delicious samples. Afterwards we went to the quite traditional Caj. Arzberger Liqueur factory where we once again got a near to endless amount of liquor samples. In the evening after a dinner break we had the opportunity to witness the so-called “Krampuslauf” where people dress up as a satanic looking fable character that punishes children that behave badly. During the “Krampuslauf” the “Krampus” try to scare the crowd or generally just interact with it. After that whole spectacle we drove back to Vienna.

Result of the activity

The students were able to try loads of new Austrian beverages and snacks. They also seemed to enjoy the Krampuslauf quite a bit. So, I'm sure they got to experience a wide variety of new things that day. 

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