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Kids doing an activity in a school
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In this event we took the Motto ''Leave your Mark'' a little literally, we created a poster that shows the values of ESN and we signed it by Hand-print. The Poster is hung in Campus builidings of the univeristy of Bonn for all passengers and students to see.


The event took place in Musiktruhe, in one of our Stammtisch meetings. Erasmus Students have used colors to leave their Handprints on a giant ESN Poster. it was a fun little activity with a reminder of what ESN is truly about.

Result of the activity

We know a poster couldn't change much. This event was about taking a stand and showing that we -as ESN members and International students- are willing to stand for equality, tolerance and humanity.

The poster is hung on Campus Buildings of the university of Bonn to show what ESN and Erasmus is truly about.

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