The main objective of the meeting was to raise awareness of the economic and employment situation in Southern Italy, with a focus on Basilicata. The event aimed to discuss the difficulties that young people, including Erasmus students, face in finding job opportunities in the Mezzogiorno, both during and after their studies.
On Dec. 6, the meeting “The Great Uncertainty: the Mezzogiorno, Basilicata, Youth and Future Prospects in the Svimez 2024 Report,” organized by ESN Sui-Generis in collaboration with SVIMEZ and the Peace Laboratory, was held at the Aula Magna of the Macchia Romana university campus in Potenza. The event focused on the employment difficulties and economic challenges facing young people in southern Italy, and in Basilicata in particular. Data from the 2024 report were illustrated, highlighting the economic difficulties and scarcity of job opportunities in the South of Italy. The meeting concluded with a panel discussion, in which experts, institutions and local entrepreneurs discussed possible solutions to improve employment opportunities, both for young Lucanians and Erasmus students who choose to stay in Basilicata after graduation. The focus was on how to foster the integration of young people into the local labor market and how to attract talent from the international context as well, thus contributing to a more prosperous future for the region.