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Picture taken during the event.
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

- Promote intercultural dialogue;

- Give international students the opportunity to show their talents to the local community and to be recognized for it.


The concept is simple: we provided a stage, a microphone, a guitar, a piano, a drum and bass! The rest was up to the international students! We also had a (real) musician playing first to motivate them and help them out to get in the stage and show their talents. Even for the international students that don't consider themselves talented, they could just come by with their friends and chill at our partner's place, where they could also enjoy the promotions our partner offers to us. 

Result of the activity

We had a considerable number of international students playing instruments and singing. Also a few ESNers showed their own musical talents. The partner was also a great plus on this event since they publicited the event among the local community and made sure the environment of the house was appropriate for the event. We had prepared a few dynamics to do during the event, but the international students were so engaged in the music and atmosphere, that we ended up not using the dynamics and games we had prepared.

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