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The Biggest International Dinner - Picnic Edition


On May 10th, ESN PWr collaborated with STEP UP from Wrocław University of Life Sciences to organize an International Dinner. Originally, the event in mind was a large celebration called ESNalia. Sadly, due to a low number of sign-ups, we had to cancel the party scheduled for May 11th.

Thanks to the Section Grant, we were able to purchase materials that allowed international students to cook famous dishes from their home countries. There was cuisine from France, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Poland, Portugal, and Turkey. The event drew over 60 Erasmus students from Wrocław and a few from other Polish cities, which was a great success.

There were several games and quizzes arranged to encourage participants to communicate with one another, and everyone ended up at the fountain spectacle in a park near Centennial Hall.

The event was a success, and attendees had a fantastic time while integrating and sharing their cultures. We believe that with greater promotion and earlier planning, the complete event may be held.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Recognition of Skills
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