INSPIRE - Next Generation Training of Trainers is the initiative of ESN Romania to provide a Training of Trainers opportunity to its volunteers.
This project comes as a response to the need of boosting the number of internal trainers and facilitators in ESN Romania. In this context, the main goal of the project was to provide fresh forces by creating opportunities for the local sections to hold more and better workshops for their volunteers and international students. The training event followed the format of Eduk8 starter, with the first half of the sessions being centered on delivering the principles of non-formal education and facilitation, and the second half being dedicated for workshop simulations and practical exercises. It will took place between June 8th - 13th, at Complex Turistic Alpina-Casi in Păltiniș, Sibiu County, Romania. The Content Team was formed through a blend of Eduk8 trainers and professional experts from Trainifique (Romania)