

Seminar about sharing ESN volunteers' experience.
(Ex)Change Your Lives je trodnevni seminar koji će okupiti studente iz Srbije i drugih delova Evrope sa fokusom na razmenu iskustava volontera koji rade u oblasti studentskih mobilnosti, izgradnju kapaciteta organizacija čiji su članovi i kreiranja preporuka za unapređenje daljeg rada u ovoj oblasti. Događaj je organizovan uz podršku Erasmus+ Students and Alumni Alliance (ESAAeu) uz saradnju sa Erasmus Student Network Serbia i OPENS 2019 - Omladinska prestonica Evrope Novi Sad.
ESAA (Erasmus+ Student And Alumni Alliance) je krovna organizacija koja ujedinjuje Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), Erazmus studentsku mrežu (ESN), garagErasmus (gE) i OCEANS Network.
Prvi dan seminara će se fokusirati na inkluzivnost programa mobilnosti i njegove dostupnosti studentima sa invaliditetom i posebnim potrebama i uključivaće i panel diskusiju diskusiju Inclusion and international mobility programmes: A perspective on students with disabilities.
Drugi i treći dan seminara će se fokusirati na građenje kapaciteta učesnika seminara kroz prezentacije i radionice, kao i kroz promociju Erazmus Plus programa kroz Erasmus+ Chat i radionice za popunjavanje CV-a.
(Ex)Change Your Lives is a three-day seminar which will gather and host students from all over Serbia and parts of Europe with the focus on exchanging experiences of students who volunteer in the field of student mobility, building the capacity of organisations whose members they are and creating recommendations for improving further work in this field. The event is organised with the support of Erasmus+ Students and Alumni Alliance (ESAAeu) in collaboration with Erasmus Student Network Serbia and European Youth Capital for 2019 (OPENS 2019 - Omladinska prestonica Evrope Novi Sad).
ESAA (Erasmus+ Student And Alumni Alliance) is an umbrella organisation that brings together Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), Erasmus Student Network (ESN), garagErasmus (gE) and OCEANS Network.
First day of the event will focus on the inclusivity of mobility programs and its availability to students with disabilities, including a panel discussion Inclusion and international mobility programmes: A perspective on students with disabilities.
The second and the third day of the event will focus on building participants capacities through presentations and workshops, as well as promotion of the Erasmus+ programme through an Erasmus+ Chat.
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