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Volunteering promoting the Erasmus+ program
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Goal of the Activity

Promoting cultural exchange through music and bringing European values closer to young people.


For the organisation of this activity, a Whatsapp group was created with the volunteers interested in participating and the different tasks were shared out (creating the registration form, booking the room in Espacio Joven, buying prizes, getting decorations, designing the Eurovision presentation). The promotion of the activity among international students was done through the usual channels. On the day of the activity, we went to Espacio Joven half an hour before the announced time in order to decorate and prepare everything necessary (laptop, projector, microphones, chairs, etc). After the arrival of the international students, the activity started with an exposition about the history of the Eurovision Song Contest and how European values are reflected in this contest. Afterwards, volunteers and international students (either alone or in groups) performed a musical performance to represent their country. Finally, voting took place among all the attendees to choose a winner who was awarded the microphone-shaped trophy that had been selected as a prize. This activity was financed by ESN Spain as part of the "Conéctate con Europa" project.

Logo of the SDG Goal 17
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
This activity was organised by: