
The objective of the Tandem is that the Erasmus and the people from Santander practice the languages they want, but this time, based in Europe as the topic of the tandem.
Our tandem consisted of three partes:
First they played Bingo. They had to find someone who had done something of the list (related to different countries and cities of Europe, and their different cultures), but they couldn't repeat names. It's very difficult!
Sencondly, the main part of the tandem. We set different tables with different languages so they can choose what they want to practice. They talk in pairs for about 7 minutes and then they swap places. They loved it!
The third part consists on a Kahoot. We created a European Kahoot with different facts about Europe and, individually or in groups, they had to guess the correct answers. It's always so much fun!
Even though we were a little concerned about using Europe as the dinamic or topic of our tandem, just in case people wouldn't like it, everyone was very excited and happy. They enjoyed it very much and had a lot of fun. And what's more important, they learnt about Europe, met new people and practiced new langauges!